How to quickly raise the potency of the homemade

It's no secret that all the time for men of all ages always comes first facing the question is sexual activity. But so happens, that you have three out of ten men for a variety of reasons happening the decline of this most. At this point it is very important not to panic and try to understand, which leads to pathology. Must be done to complete the study and decide for themselves how to increase the potency of the home. And not just to increase and ensure the men in power.

The concept of erectile dysfunction

Violation of potency in men is quite a common phenomenon. Unfortunately, it is a pathology, in recent years there have been persons, not only for the elderly. According to statistics, professionals have often turned to the men up to 40 years. And all of them are in first place stands the question of how to raise the potency of the home.

Not always of erectile dysfunction involves a complete lack of erection. Often men from 40 to 45 years suffering from this, that if the stored in the ability erection, decreased his force. And it does not give the opportunity to spend a full sexual activity. So often it is used the term erectile dysfunction, not impotence. This type of disorders seksuaalfunktsiooni does not depend on age. If you see the reason that causes this pathology, then aid can handle and men up to 40 years. And if the factors that causes erectile dysfunction is not, then men aged 50 to 60 years, may live a full sexual life is life.

Reasons potency disorders

Reasons potency disorders

Today's first place standing psychological issue encounter impotence. But according to the latest research, causes of erectile dysfunction in the role and other points:

  • exposure to stress and depressive status;
  • damaged intervertebral alloy wheels, having scattered in multiple sclerosis, alcoholism;
  • elevated blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • medicines for the treatment of-hypertension, anti-depressants;
  • age after 50 years.

Many cases of erectile dysfunction treatment is to eliminate the root cause, if it occurs. For example, if the deviation is caused by stress or depression, you will permanently get rid of the violation of potency should be run through the full course of treatment is a healer. To treat the breach of men of the force only in the complex of the main disease.

Treatment of impotence medical instruments

Violation of potency mainly occur in men aged 50 years. If more accurately, then 50 to 60 years decreased in men of the force. And in determining the drug treatment must be considered side effects of medicines in this age group.

Exercises to improve the strength of the

Exercises to increase potency first of all to strengthen the RS-muscle. Work this muscles with the nerve, which controls its operation in the genital area and gives information to the brain. Exercises help to keep due to this is the muscles, which affects the stimulation to produce hormones, which are responsible for the increased feelings of satisfaction. Especially useful to use these methods to increase the potency of men after 50 and 60 years old. Systematically performing exercises can improve the potency quite quickly and return to be men of power.

The weakness of the RS-muscles is full of, decreased libido, impaired sexual activity, fatigue. Why use that its strengthening must be done, even if the breach is not potency

  • Sit on your heels or the chair. In doing so, the maximum stretch the spine and muscles of the face, neck, hands, back and shoulders must be completely relaxed. Close your eyes and tilt the head down.

The technique to perform the exercises: tighten your muscles for three seconds. If does not work, then it speaks to the fact that the muscle is weak. In this case, be tensioned in 1-2 sec. A sign that to make everything right, to be feeling the lift in the pelvic region. Tensing the muscle breathe slowly and relax - exhale.

Duration of exercises should be no more than ten minutes. If all is done correctly, then this period of time you can spend ten approaches. Case, carry out a smaller number, the time does not slip. If do exercises regularly, then the muscles in strengthen and you can keep the tension, assuming up to a 10-year-old. In doing so strain the muscles gradually. Relaxing also should not be sharp. The duration of such exercises should be not less than five minutes.

After the break, one minute there is an urgent need to intensify and muscle recovery. Provided daily to do the exercises, you can strengthen the muscle and its the most improve men's power.

pregnen to improve potency
  • Treatment of impotence in the home can do the same specialized sit-ups. Men after 50 and 60 years should use this method cautiously, avoiding strong loads. On the other hand, if the cure of erectile dysfunction method on the squats. And it is quite favourable impact on a man's body after 50 and 60 years old.

Put feet shoulder width apart, if this socks must be placed outside. Before you begin to squat, be hard to tighten gluteal muscles. Completely pressed to the floor of the feet, do slow squats. If fully sat, stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. Run twenty approaches. This way to increase potency is effective only on condition constantly strained gluteus.

People treatment of impotence

Among men is a popular people's money, in order to increase the strength. Infusion of the prepare is simple and the raw materials can be purchased from any pharmacy.

  1. Five tablespoons of dry grass Dubrovnik , pour a glass of boiling water, cover with lid and let stand for about forty minutes. Drink one during the day 3-4 times 4 lg l reception. Course length is 14 days.
  2. Calamus root 20 grams, warm water, 250 ml, thermos for about eight hours. Drink three times a day before meals for 2 tablespoons prolong the result of treatment during the may day chew calamus root is a few small pieces.
  3. Yet another way how to treat the violation of potency in this addicting nettle , fresh or dried form. It can be a vitamin salad based on nettle and feathers green onions. You can also add a boiled egg. And when mixed with the crushed seeds of the nettle with a tablespoon of honey and 250 ml of wine, then be a great tool to improve potency. It should be taken half an hour before sleep every day.

Folk of impotence in itself may not be adequate results, if the violations are brightly expressed or applies to only one option. It is advisable to use a variety of methods, which will increase potency.

Treatment of impotence by means of water procedures

Treatment of impotence by means of water procedures

Reception of water procedures it is also a way, how to get rid of violation of potency. Can also say that this treatment of the impotence of human means, because here does not apply to any medications. Water procedures include a variety of methods. You can fully dive into the bath, you can make and seat a contrasting bath. If you want to achieve a greater impact, can be used in a variety of ways, alternating every other day.

  1. Prepare two deep sink hot and cold water. To sit alternately every half hour. In doing so, be required in hot and cold water in about 15 sec. The treatment course is conducted over 14 days. Repeat every three months.
  2. The end of the day very well take a bath on the basis of the infusion of chamomile. To do this, is to prepare an infusion of 50g of dried flowers, chamomile and 3 liters of boiling water. 20 minutes after the infusion to add to your warm bath and take procedure 30 min
  3. Exactly the it is also to prepare the infusion of bay leaf. This kind of tub can be rotated in a bath of chamomile a day.
  4. Treat violation of potency through the use of coniferous baths. To do this, pour the water with the pine cones and needles, let boil and let stand over low heat 30 minutes to Pull twelve hours, then pour into a warm bath. Such a procedure is desirable, the end of the day, and then it is better to directly before bedtime.

It should be remembered that the potency of the recovery of human resources, may be exercised only after consultation with a specialist